Issues and Topics that Impact Law Enforcement Officers and Families
We talk about research-based information and real experiences from law enforcement personnel, spouses, couples, and subject matter experts to help you to help you connect, learn, and grow personally and as a couple.
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The Latest from the Podcast

Does Our Sacrifice Matter?
Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue in Your Law Enforcement Relationship

Communicating Directly in Your Law Enforcement Relationship
Communication can be simple but communicating directing but it seems so hard to do.

Impact Communication in your Law Enforcement Relationship with Perspective Taking
If you want to positively impact your law enforcment marriage or police marriage, learn how to stand in each other’s shoes and take perspective.

The Overtime Trap with Jason and Kate Hoschouer
With the holidays approaching, there is no better time to talk about the overtime trap.

The Importance of Responding with Resilience
Kate Pieper is a colleague from California who specializes in working with First Responders and trauma. She is CISM and EMDR certified, Kate also conducts

The Divorce Myth in Law Enforcement
There is a lot of misinformation out about the divorce Rate among law enforcement couples. Let’s clear that up!
About Cyndi Doyle: Therapist & Wife of a LEO
As a licensed therapist and LEO spouse, I THOUGHT I understood the unique struggles in a police marriage. There was so much more that I didn’t know! No one told us that the very training that kept him safe every day also would cause our disconnection. Because I don’t want you to struggle with the same learning curve, I created Code4Couples®, so you can have the education and tools to keep your relationship Code 4!

Cyndi Doyle